We are 4 months into 2024 and it has been a whirlwind already, back in October Bruce inquired with his regular doctor about his shoulder pain which he has had for numerous years and it had progressively gotten worse. His doctor referred him to Michigan Orthopedic Center. After xrays, therapy and MRI it was determined that he had a torn rotator cuff and needed surgery which took place on the 27th of February and we have been in recovery mode since that time. We are hoping if Bruce keeps on the path he is on with no further complications he shall be returning to work sometime the first part of June.
We have not yet been camping or have taken any big trips yet. I do believe it will be early fall before we do any camping.
More then likely we will be going to Aunne Osborn in the Soo. I am not positive about that but it would be nice to sit and watch ships.
I think I am still trying to recover from the Las Vegas trip, the events leading up to that trip and now Bruce’s surgery. It’s funny how when there is nothing going on in your life you can’t fully appreciate the calmness of it until your neck deep in chaos and then you wish it was calm and back to normal.
Next up on my agenda is to get some seeds planted, probably this weekend. No cucumbers this year. We are planting, onions, lettuce, spinach and some morning glory’s. I will probably get some annuals to plant in our little pots on the fence and the bigger pots along the driveway, just to add some color around the house. Well until I write again……….