Summer’s End

As I sit here on the 9th of August, I can’t help but feeling the rush of summer coming to an end. It has actually been a perfect summer, right amount of heat, right amount of storms and right amount of rain. I am more then sure we have plenty of nice days yet to come but today for some reason I am sort of sad that summer is almost over and in the not to distant future we will be smacked in the face with the brutal reality of winter.

The older I get the more I absolutely despise winter!! Not that it is lacking any beauty because lets face it, there is something magical about everything being covered in white and at times sparkling. No, for me its about the cold, the wind mainly. Heading out before daybreak in the cold and windy mornings is really getting old. I am longing for the days of retirement, no morning commutes unless it is on my terms and not a time clock.

On another note, both our dogs absolutely LOVE snow. They will stay outside until they start shivering and I make them come in.  Something else I am not found of about winter, is the fact it’s not like the winters of days gone by. No, we don’t get snow until something in February and by that time I am already over the cold. I miss the days of having 6-8 inches of snow in November.

I am going to try extremely hard to enjoy every last second of late summer heading into fall because I have a strange feeling this winter is going to be brutal.