Things We Have Learned

This will be a page that I can see will be updated frequently as you are never to old to stop learning.

I created this page to document and keep track of all the “ups and downs” in the process of learning.

Taking possession of a new 5th wheel (or any camper for that matter) ——

MAKE SURE you not only do the “Dealership” walk through but take the time after you get home to go thru your camper top to bottom checking even the smallest of things, we discovered one of our blinds didn’t work, one of the speakers in the ceiling wasn’t working and we were missing 2 light covers, one of the outside decals was peeling off and there was a big gouge in the frame around the door, these are all things we discovered AFTER we got home. The tiniest oversights are sometimes the most often missed items.

Expect the unexpected ——–

If your going to obsess over things being “perfect” your going to be greatly disappointed, I didn’t have any preconceived ideas heading into our first trip, I decided to take each moment as they came, good or bad and guess what? We had a blast! Yes it was cold weather, we didn’t care, gave us a chance to try out the fireplace and furnace. Take joy in even the unexpected things that arise.

Explore your surroundings—–

Because Bruce drives for a large chain store I always want to check that store out if there is one where we go, however, on our last two trips besides checking those stores out, I wanted to check out the “local” grocery store as well. Sometimes you can find the neatest things in those small town stores. We also try to stay away from chain restaurants when we travel, take a drive around and see where all the locals hang out, chances are if a place has a full parking lot and you have to wait for a seat, is a good indication the food will be fantastic.

Work the problem—–

I couldn’t be more proud of Bruce, prior to taking Randi on her first journey, Bruce investigated what tools we could possibly need if we should have any issues on the road or at camp. He packed a toolbox with the items he might need and let me tell you we have only needed to fix something one time for this to pay off, one of our “X” chalks wasn’t operating and it was fast approaching check out time, Bruce got his toolbox out and took care of the problem. Sure it wasn’t the most pleasant job but imagine the time we would have consumed if we would have had to run to find or buy tools, IF WE COULD HAVE. I am just very grateful that he thought ahead and we had what we needed!!

Ongoing Discoveries —

With our first official year of camping behind us and now almost to the end of camping season #2 we have continued to make “tweaks” here and there, one of which was the installation of numerous command adhesive “things”. I know they have been around forever and I know I personally have used them on occasion over the years BUT I am a firm believer NOW that these things were made for RV’ers SERIOUSLY what a great product!!! Everything from hanging pictures, towels, housecoats, holding down a few items in the kitchen and bath, I can not sing their praises enough, keep them coming!!

We also added a “gate” valve for that extra security at the dump station, have you ever went to dump and unscrew your black tank cap and the unimaginable happens?!??! Yup, happened to us, so we added this gate valve that is guaranteed to stop anything coming from the black tank that is in a hurry to escape before its time. I highly encourage anyone to install these!!!

We are over the moon happy with our keyless lock, Can not believe we waited a year to install it, whatever were we thinking? Anyhow, yes it is awesome, we still see people struggling with those door keys and count our blessings and sing its praises every chance we have to anyone that will listen.

2019 UPGRADES – New tires on Randi, keyless locks, blank tank tube holder underneath. TPS.

2020 UPGRADE -, we added snap pads to the landing gear and so wish we would have done this back at the beginning!!

2021 UPGRADE – Battle Born Battery – Just one, good start for now, we just love it!!